I'm going to have to absorb that for a bit. Overall, I loved it and am content.
Shaz, Chris, & Ray were wonderful. When they all watched their own deaths, that broke my heart. (I'm guessing Shaz was from the 90s because they played Oasis and her uniform/hair and the cars all seemed 90s to me.)
Alex Drake, I love you so fucking much. Gene, I love you too.
I was disappointed Sam didn't show up, but with this explanation, it's probably better that he didn't.
I thought Keats snarling all demon-like was unnecessary & over the top. The elevator scene was enough to imply he was taking them somewhere Not Good. Still, I really enjoyed Keats as a character.
I loved the next out-of-time cop coming in at the end there.
I will miss this show & 'verse so much. It might be time to rewatch Life On Mars now.