Eli, Scott, & Chloe wander back through the gate with no explanation. "Hey, you guys fixed the gate." "No, we didn't." "oh." Soooooo, I'm thinking this will come up again later. Because they never explained why it suddenly worked again. At least, I'm *hoping* the lack of explanation is intentional for a later story reveal. Otherwise, that would be lame.
I would read fic of the 3 of them stuck on the planet. Eli felt like a 3rd wheel. :(
I didn't realize one had to "wipe their imprint" off a stone. I wonder why James didn't remember being in the alien body during the switch. I hope they revisit that. I guess the aliens did something that wiped her memory.
Again, love the music montage of life on the ship. Loved the alcohol still.
I liked the actress who played Perry. Ideally, I'd have liked her to be a bit older if she's supposed to be Rush's contemporary. She just seemed too young, but whatever. I'm glad that they knew eachother in the past, so there was some history there (as opposed to meeting & falling in love). I'm so glad they didn't have sex.
I was digging TJ's baggy button-up shirt all episode. I love you, TJ!