1. OMFG SNOW. I know, LJ is probably sick of hearing everyone freak out about snow. But seriously, OMFG. We got a snow storm on top of our snow storm. Help! Help! I'm covered in bees snow! I'm praying that power & internet holds out. No work today, but I'm considering being responsible and doing some anyway from home because I still have a deadline. I need to find my camera because this is insane, and it's still falling. OMFG.
2. David Hewlett is directing a SyFy movie in Bulgaria. I'm enjoying his random twitter messages immensely:
here, and
here. I look forward to hearing more about the werewolf/polar bear/snow monkey monster. I THINK THIS MOVIE NEEDS A TITLE, YOU GUYS. It sounds like my previous imaginary movie title MegaSnow could work. MegaSnow vs WereMonkeyBear?
3. John Barrowman recorded a version of "The Wizard and I" from Wicked
called "The Doctor and I" with changed lyrics to fit the Doctor & Jack. Um, really? Ok. I'm getting 2nd hand embarrassment here. But part of me loves how he's so unabashedly cheesy. I think.
Free is Not a Marketing Tool - Interesting post/article about online communities and the concept of giving things you create away for free.
T-Shirt War (youtube)
6. Hey, I didn't realize a new Anita Blake book had been released. Sweet! Yes, I'm still following that series, even though it can be a train wreck. Possibly because of that reason.