There are quite a few more Alice vids on youtube since the last time I looked. My goodness. Yikes. Ok, here are some more I liked.
1901 by stoneofwonderland
If you watch only one vid on this post, watch this one. The concept for this is so imaginative & fun. The vidder has overlayed the Disney cartoon version on top of the Syfy verion. The end result is incredibly dynamic.
The rest below are all Alice/Hatter. (Because I seem to have turned into a shipper? What the heck?)
Keep Holding On by batyalewbel
Alice/Hatter + Glee music = Awwww. <3
Use Somebody by LyzabethSay
I'm Only Human by LonesomeMovieAngel
Wrecking by AcuteXenophobia
(The clips start to run a bit too long for my usual taste, plus it's got quite a lot of talky face. Despite that, there's something very earnest about this vid that appeals to me. Plus, the song choice is gorgeous.)
Suddenly I See by ButterflyIllusioned
(PS. Dear Fandom, I refuse to use "Halice.")