Sendhil Ramamurthy will possibly be in the new NBC series Rex with David Tennant. Fannish worlds colliding! DEAR TV GODS, THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN. Mohinder/Doctor!!!
Who else is looking forward to SyFy's Alice movie/miniseries this weekend?? *high fives* I'm sure there will be some cheesiness involved, just like with Tin Man, but it also looks like great fun. My first thought: I can't wait to vid it!
3. Word in the Twitter Sphere is that a company called Deadline Productions is making Pride and Prejudice and Zombies into a 6-part tv series. I REALLY HOPE THIS IS TRUE. So far, the only articles I've found about it are just repeating that it's been mentioned on Twitter. We shall see!
4. Do you guys remember the animated show on MTV in the 90s called The Maxx? Well, it's
finally coming to DVD! whee! Ok so, it'll be a DVD-R thingy made by Amazon and is available for pre-order because there's no release date yet, but still. I had to pre-order it. Had to. (The traumatic bunny has stayed with me to this day. OH GOD THE BUNNY. D:) Hey, remember when MTV had really interesting shows like this late at night? That was where I first saw Aeon Flux as well. Liquid Television!
5. In adorable news, here is
Ming Na at an 80s-themed party, complete with crimped hair & roller skates. <3
6. I never wear red, but today I am. Came in to work and everyone else in my department is also wearing red. Everyone, both men & women. FREAKY. I think we've been spending too much time together, since apparently we've begun sharing psychic clothing vibes. I am a little scared now. I...do not want to share brains with these people. *cue jokes about being expendable Red Shirts*
7. The best thing about wearing heels is the fun sound they make on hard floors. Clackity-clack clackity-clack clackity-clack. I love that sound.