The Dark Knight:
Your Joy is My Low by
bionicHe wants the color of you to wear and feel alive
Joker/Batman. Good god, I love this video.
Prison Break:
Daydream in Blue by
cherushaAlex, Alex/Michael, season3. This video explores his drug addiction & withdrawal. I love how it shows not only the surreal, psychedelic aspects, but also his confusion of not being able to tell what's real & what isn't. This was the season that the character of Alex Mahone really grabbed me, and frankly, I think stole the show.
30 Rock:
Heartbeat by Bluewolf487 (YouTube)
Breathe Me by evildemandred (YouTube)
Nick/Stephen. Good Primeval vids are hard to come by, so I was very happy to find this one. Although the song is quite overused by now, I really like how the vidder utilized the footage--such as the sun glare at 1:22. I never realized how much these guys stared meaningful at eachother. Aw, I love them. I also really love the use of small facial movements and expressions: Nick looking up on "break" (1:48), Nick turning his head to Stephen (2:29), Stephen glancing to the side (2:32).
So, of course then I checked out what other videos this person had made and found some more good ones.
Our revels now are endedWith so few good Primeval vids to begin with, I was surprised to find one as unique as this. There's no music--instead, it's a speech from Shakespeare's The Tempest (read by Joseph Fiennes), and the vid focuses on the minor characters of Lester & Ryan.
Another from the same vidder is this Life On Mars one:
Hide and SeekSam/Gene. I love how the little flashes are reminiscent of synapses firing. (Love the hand grabbing at 3:23.)
And the final one from them is Doctor Who:
FoundationsDoctor/Master. "And you humiliate me in front of our friends."