This is what procrastination looks like.

Oct 07, 2008 20:08

And now, because I'm avoiding what I actually *should* be doing, a meme snagged from superduperkc:
Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than twenty icons, post them all. If you have between twenty and fifty icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, and what significance it has.

made by ofthe_sky
Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert giggling! Behind their papers! Needless to say, I really love these dorks.

made by buzzylittleb
Callum Keith Rennie as Billy from the movie Hard Core Logo. I was lucky enough to go into this movie completely unspoiled for the ending. If you haven't seen it yet & plan to, I suggest you stay away from spoilers as well. I loved the movie a lot more than I thought I would.

made by vaeltaa
Ronon from Stargate Atlantis. He is very pretty. I also just loved this shot with his neck and tattoo. I uploaded a bunch of Ronon & John/Ronon icons when I was working on "Red Moon." So this is from that time. I will often do that, upload several icons relating to a vid I'm working on. The one at the top of this post is also from that same time.

made by atomicapples
Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica. I love her, and I love her expression here. It is appropriate for many situations!

made by icequeen3101
Allison & Joe Dubois from Medium. I hardly ever use this icon. I think I've used it maybe once? So, it will probably go when I need more space. I love their relationship. They are one of the few canon married couples that I 'ship.

made by myhappyface
Deifenbaker from Due South says, "Yo." I love that wolf-dog. (And I will never get tired of RayK shouting "Exclamation point!" at him. *g*)

made by daynawashere
Liz & Jack from 30 Rock. I love them! Oh hell yeah, I 'ship them. (Huh. Weird. The few het icons I have keep coming up in this. 10 = het in my brain?) Here, have a youtube fanvid that I just found.

Finally, an icon comes up that was made by me!
Ianto & Gwen from Torchwood. This comes from a screencap by lipsum. I loved the blocking in this shot, with Gwen in the background. I also love the contrast in colors. I adore Gwen & Ianto's relationship. They make me happy. In my mind, they are BFFs.

made by nil_nyx
Martha Jones from Doctor Who. Because Martha is Made of Awesome. She's up there among my all-time favorite tv characters. I love the split screen fade in this icon. "I'm coming back." Hell yes, Martha's coming back TO SAVE THE DAY.

made by weapon_icons
Dexter, from Dexter obviously. "You're just fucked up." I love how the text is positioned in this icon. This is a newer icon that I only uploaded a couple weeks ago.

made by me! whee!
Alex & Michael from season 3 of Prison Break, my newest obsession that I recently mainlined all at once (drug references are so appropriate here). This shot actually has them standing farther apart, with more bars in between. I moved them closer together with my mad MSPaint skillz (old school style!). It turned out surprisingly seamless, considering I have no blending tools. Even though I make a lot of icons (usually for my own amusement), I rarely make the effort to post them in comms. I should probably do that.

The following conversation took place after my watching 3x01:
Me: Is this really an entire season of Michael & Alex being sweaty and dirty and locked up together? Seriously?
sdwolfpup: Yes. Yes, it is.
Me: I approve of this season! I approve of this season SO HARD.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to delete more icons soon to make way for more Prison Break ones. My obsession is just beginning, my friends.

meme, icons

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