May 24, 2008 13:25
- There's a fantastic new project going on over at lifeonmartha
Journey of Martha Jones: Footsteps Challenge
It's similar in idea to torchwoodadvent. Here's the deal: each day from May 26 to June 26 will be designated with one official work featuring Martha Jones, one step in her story. This includes not only her Doctor Who episodes, but also her Torchwood episodes, tie-in books, and the cartoon. One person signs up to host that day, which just means they create some sort of fanwork (fic, icons, vid, meta essay, fanmix, etc.) having to do with that episode/book. Once the host has posted their content, effectively kicking off that day, anyone else is welcome to post anything relating to that episode/book. For example, May 28 is "Gridlock" day. Awesome, right? I'm thinking of making a "Doctor's Daughter" vidlet or something.
- Speaking of Martha, there's a good interview with Freema Agyeman
- otw_onlinecon:
The Organization For Transformative Works (OTW) is hosting a multi-fandom convention from May 21st until May 29th. We're going to have challenges, panels and events! The first fic challenge.
- Sign-ups for femslash08 ficathon are going on. If you're a writer, you might want to stop on by.
- Silly fun! The Fandom Hot 20. Comment with your top 3 hottest characters (submissions accepted until 5/26), then a poll will be set up. It was really, REALLY hard deciding on a top 3! I have over 50 fandoms, people. I ended up going with Aeryn Sun, Mohinder Suresh, & Martha Jones. I surprised myself with having my top 3 including more women than men. Clearly, I am a bad m/m slasher.
- I'm enjoying the pictures from Collectormania, especially:
1. Eve Myles & John Barrowman being adorable
2. Paul McGillion with a Dalek
3. Tawny Cypress with a Dalek
- The fabulous morgandawn has put together a list of streaming sites & networks with On Demand services to get ready for the new tv season.
- Also from morgandawn, Copyright: I can watch what where? (streaming websites and their patchwork of IP deals)
And finally:
- The election poll for the LJ user representitive is now up. You can vote for 3 people. Here's a round-up of who's who (and who's fannish). Poll closes May 29.
doctor who,