Dexter! This was the show where I yelled, "Holy crap!" a lot to myself.
--Doakes found the slides!
--Lila broke into Rita's house! I saw this coming last week. I thought she might end up threatening Rita & the kids. Dexter can't have that. Also, calling his mother's killer just so she'd be able to comfort him after? Wow. That's a whole new level of crazy. And not the fun kind.
--I don't see how this can end without Dexter killing Doakes. I mean, how the hell can you explain slides of blood hidden in your air conditioner? Please don't kill him!
--Deb hating Lila is fun. I loved how she laughed in her face & waved. Wow, she really resents Lila for coming between Dexter & Rita.
--Speaking of Deb...could the Deb/Lundy relationship have more obvious Daddy Issues? Seriously. Not that I'm not enjoying it, but yikes!
--I love Angel.
Anyone (other than
sapote3) watching Little Mosque on the Prairie? I'm working my way through season 2 now. Is it odd that I find Yasir strangely attractive? I think it's the voice. He's very smooth.
Favorite quote:
"Outside chance she's a ninja."