Nintendo a cappella (yay, Legend of Zelda!)
--Over on
Ah! What the hell is that white monster-thing in the background? It's freaking me out! --
BuyZombie.com is apparently an entire store of zombie stuff. I kid you not.
I need this shirt! (I loved it so much, I made an icon. *points*) Or
this one.
Wizard of Oz Zombie.
Vote zombie. Also,
zombie teddy bear,
zombie plush doll I could waste so much time on this site...
As the current tv seasons are starting to become effected by the writer's strike, I thought I should educate myself on what it's all about. Because, yes, I'll be missing my shows soon, but if it's for a good cause in the long run, then it's worth it. Right now, writers (generally speaking) seem to be treated pretty shabbily. And if nothing else, from a purely selfish point of view, if writers are valued more by the industry, we'll get better shows as fans. But from a non-selfish point of view--yeah, they get taken advantage of, and that's unfair.
This seems to be a good site for info on the strike (complete with debunking rumors). Also,
this is the official WGA site. Joss Whedon talks about the strike here. Why I love him:
So how is that work? You got no muscles to show for it (yes, the brain is a muscle, but if you show it to people it's usually because part of your skull has been torn off and that doesn't impress the ladies - unless the ladies are ZOMBIES! Where did this paragraph go?) Writing is enjoyable and ephemeral. And it's hard work.
I'm crossing my fingers that it gets resolved as quickly as possible, in a way that benefits writers. But if it's going to be a long haul, I'll still support them.
ETA: You can join
wga_supporters for info on the strike and to show your support for the writers.
Random ETA2:
These cat macro icons are a thing of beauty...