[ This must be what going mad feels like. ]
So what did I do this weekend? Um...I seem to have made crack. Complete crossover crack.
I regret nothing!
I think Filthy Mind finally broke my brain. Making this was way too amusing. I wasn't even sure if I was going to post this, but then
sapote3 reminded me that one should always post crack. Dedicated to
kiki_miserychic. Look, I got you crack for your birthday!
Summary: Fiona, Sylar. Fiona wins.
Music: "Guttermouth" by Bree Sharp
Fandoms: Burn Notice / Heroes
Length: 1:29
Size/Format: WMV (16 MB), other formats coming soon
Spoilers: Heroes: all of season 1, Burn Notice: up to episode 8.
Download WMV (Right-click, Save as. Zipped.)
IMeem This comparison of Fiona & Sylar began as a late night conversation (possibly involving too much alcohol) about who would win in a fight. (I have no idea how the conversation turned to this.) The obvious answer is Sylar, of course. But then we realized that Fiona would just blow him up, and as far as we know, Sylar's not explosion-proof. Plus Fiona thinks quick on her feet, while Sylar would still be busy Mwahaha-ing. Then, she'd buy a new snowglobe to celebrate.
I never claimed I was normal.
Quite a bit of Fiona/Michael and Sylar/Mohinder snuck in here, which wasn't my original intention, but the video kept wanting to go there. Sylar/Mohinder apparently sneaks into everything.