
May 18, 2008 13:18

Goodbye Mexifornia!
Goodbye Hell-A!
Goodbye Venereal Beach!
Goodbye Redildo Beach!
Goodbye Newport Biotch!
Goodbye Marina del Gay!
Goodbye Mangledwood!
Goodbye Hollow-wood!
Goodbye [fake] Breastwood!
Goodbye Crapton!
Goodbye Pacific Paliscabes!
Goodbye Malibutt!
Goodbye Beverly Swills!
Goodbye Smell-Aire!
Goodbye Analheim!
Goodbye Pass-a-boner!
Goodbye Canker City!
Goodbye Sherman Hoax!

Thy putrid lamps are extinguished in my minds eye! May a plague of phosphorescent, radioactive, venomous locusts descend upon you! May snails multiply in your cupboards! May unseen roosters crow from every rooftop for eternity! May the plot of the movie "Groundhog Day" come to fruition on your soil on the very day that Vanilla Ice and NKOTB are doing a comeback concert at the Staples Center.

"I'll be seeing you... in HEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL!" (gratuitous Misfits reference).

Though in all seriousness, Los Angeles, you inexorably sprawling, plastic tumor, I'll be smiling at  you incongruously from the snows of the East.  You will always have a special place in my heart.

Bah!  Good Day.

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