Apr 16, 2006 13:39
Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Mana, Dragon Quest AND Zelda...
Top 10 Most Anticipated Games for 2006
01.(01/01) Mother 3 GBA <- Sequel to Earthbound/SNES
02.(02/03) Biohazard 5 PS3
03.(04/04) Final Fantasy III DS
04.(03/02) Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3
05.(06/05) Valkyrie Profile 2 PS2
06.(05/06) Kimi Kiss PS2
07.(08/15) Persona 3 PS2
08.(09/07) Okami PS2
09.(07/08) Seiken Densetsu 4 PS2
10.(10/11) Dragon Quest: SYNFND PS2
13.(12/11) Legend of Zelda GC
OWNED by Earthbound. Proof it's the best game series EVAR :O