When a Nuf's, enough!

Aug 25, 2003 16:59

Unpleasantries out of the way first...
I will no longer put up with shit from people who are not directly involved in situations.
This is directed ay a certain little fucken fag who has nothing better to do with his life then involve himself in other peoples business.
I know that he has occasionally read my journal, so hopefully he will read this one.

You are one naive little fucker, and have once again proven to me how pathetic you can be. You do realise that people you bitch about me to inform me, don't you?
Especially stupid to be bitching to my girlfriend about me and her, not realising it is her and her boy you are bitching about. Or maybe you think she won't tell me, or that we'll be afraid to confront you about it all.
Remember Saturday night, as I was leaving Bitch, bitch?

Consider this an interim confrontation, cunt!
You will receive this warning in person too.

Anything that has happened between myself and your close "friend" is our business, get a fucking life. If she has problems with anything, she best approach me herself, and I hope she and I have the kind of relationship where issues are openly discussed. I find it hard to believe she would unprovokedly slander me, this I'm sure was your influence.

This can be considered a warning to anyone who feels the need to stupidly involve themselves in my business.
Please excuse my political uncorrectness, but using one is as PC as I get.

On the lighter side of pale, many things in my life are looking up.

>>I now have someone to share some of my time with. Not really a girlfriend, as labels have it, but this is the best common description.
We have been friends for a long time and it's refreshing to be in a similar mindset as someone you are allowing into your life so intimately.
>>Solenoid the band is coming together really well. A bit slower than I would like it, but the time has come for me to put my foot down on the delays and uncertainties. All members get along great, making it a pleasant change to be part of a band, not just a bunch of artists doing their own thing up on stage.
>>I recently received an email from an "artist" in the US who also goes by the name Solenoid, asking me to change our name.
My advise from my legal team is to change the name, but I'm going to make him sweat for it first!

So, keep an eye and ear out for the new band name.

That is all for now....
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