Date: Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 7:44 AM
Subject: [Sunlight] How will this soil become a rose garden?
Seeing a man who was tilling the earth,
a fool, unable to control himself, cried out,
"Why are you ruining this soil?"
"Fool," said the man, "leave me alone:
try to recognize the difference
between tending the soil and wasting it.
How will this soil become a rose garden
until it is disturbed and overturned?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
n yeki âmad zamin-râ mi shekâft
ablahi feryâd kard va bar na-tâft
"Kin zamin-râ az cheh virân mi koni
mi shekafi va parishân mi koni"
Goft "Ay ablah be-raw bar man ma-rân
to `emârat az kharâbi bâz dân
Kay shavad golzâr o gandom-zâr in
tâ na-gardad zesht o virân n zamin
Kay shavad bostân o kesht o barg o bar
tâ na-gardad nazm-e u zir o zabar
-- Mathnawi IV: 2341-2345
Version by Camille and Kabir Helminski
"Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance"
Threshold Books, 1996
(Persian transliteration courtesy of Yahyá Monastra)
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