hey hey, i'm not aerprized if lysey doesn;t like me anymore. ah well. and well... matt is not the ladies man ur right. i think i made the suconciounce... FUCK SPELLING... to not date anyone right now. i seem to be not doing much in the way of persuing a female wich i think is intresting. well how is drew? cool?... cool... well i have no idea what else so say... sorta weird that i'm replaying to a message that u replied to. i also read ur reply to matts poem thing. and i totally agree. that he wrote it before. he;s that kins of person. well just to let u know i don;t update my live journal very often, it seems to be more convieniant... once again fuck spelling... to just tell people what is going on when i see them or talk to um. i like e-mail though to e-mail me at sol7up@hotmail.com in case u didn;t get it before... well i gtg and do a little A.P. english work wich sucks because it's over the summer, but is also good because it's a great cook... well don;t die and and feel free to tell me all the matt problems u want. Dave... p.s. how is this for just random rambling... with bad spelling and not backspacing.... not bad i'de say.... (also i'm a very modest gut...) dave again
hey, I wrote you an email. Just so you know, my email addresses/ screen names are CurlySue157 (for AOL) and curlysue157 (for yahoo). see you later(?)
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