Feb 07, 2002 23:53
Tom Anderson walked around the giant pillar that held up the super structure. His black masked contact told him to be on his guard, for this was the appointed time that the magnificent building was to be indefinatly crippled and shamed. He had trained for months and finally was considered an emissary on this particular mission by his partners. If he ever would find the men that made him necessary, on this warn September evening, Tom knew they would not go down acquiesce.
Once again Tom felt for his protector under the lapel of his coat, it's presence no longer apparent to him for it had ridden there all afternoon, and the sharp feeling of self awareness had left hours ago, making the weapon feel as though it were part of him. No loner cold and uninviting, Tom loosened the nylon strap a little more to make for a nice warm extraction. The night was still young.
The morning events were not a catharsis, for it only relaxed him physically and not mentally. As the remembrance came back to him the tention seemed to seep away form his knotted shoulders. Even the ceaseless banter from the grade school children didn