Sep 01, 2001 22:16
Hey world,
I though for the heck of it i'll throw in some thoughts in life.
Did i tell everyone already taht i raelly like music. It's official now. When i listen to particular songs, it puts me into kind of a reflective state. and it's wonderful. I just was introduced to a wonderful band(?) called Underworld. They have some cool techno live stuff going down. If you are in teh mood for some new material, try grabbing some of underworld's stuff offline. it's cool.
Need not fear Drew, (if u do read this stuff).
Well this school year has come... and as far as i'm concerened, it can go. Being a senior is cool, but it isn;t a whole lot differnet then being a junior. (Wonder what else i expected?) anyway, my clases are pretty cool, and next year i get to take a aide class with pat, the teck guy! Whoohoo. looking forward to "working" with ya pat. Also, i think this year will suck. and i will be overloaded with homework. I have my life planned out for a while i think. Don;t get sleep on weekdays, sleep late on weedends... That's about the jist of the schedual...(sp)?
What else in life do i want to comment about?....
Matt is hanging out at his grandparents for labor day... groovy.
My b-day is in lik 9 days... Next sunday, when ever that is. Looking forward to it too. I got an early present, a chair for my room. It's nice and comfy. :0 I think my parents are thinking of getting me a cell phone too, which is cool, but is also joining the rest ofthe world, and that will have it's downside as well. Maybe i won;t give the number out to anyone. That way i won;t have to worrie about moving to fast is life. (some things are worth waiting for... for getting there is half the fun...) I was thinking about going to ceaser land for the first part of my b-day, then having some people of to my house afterwords. Only a select few though, for my mom doesn;t want a huge amount of people here late. I think it's a little rediculous, but hey, it's a mom thing right?... right.
I think i am going to get my licence soon. Go me. I can;t take the class with ou ladies, for it conflicts with mens. Oh well. I hope i get it so peolpe can rely on someone else besides matt for a ride. (poor matt). And i also won;t have to pay for mats meals anymore... lol. I gues si stil need to drive a little but hey, it will come in time.
Egoo and i are goingt to tp some people tonight. (No need to fear), for it's a bunch of sophomores taht are going to get it. And it's gonna suck to be them in the morning. :0 I need more tp from elliott though, and he's not online now, and i don;t have his # yet at UofM. ah well. Its not that expencive right?
Michelle Brance - Everywhere.
now has a special meaning in my life...
A man in a construction site got a inch nail shot into his head. poor guy. if it was a cenimeter in any direction, it would have killed him. I guess it didn;t hit a major part of his brain, and entered at the "perfect" angle. I wonder if someone actually pulled a trigger ona nail gun, or it was pressure on a nail already in a piece of wood that flew out. Eather way, i send strenght to that guy.
It's wired being 'scientific." For when u hear explanations for how god exists, comming up with a contradiction, makes me feel bad. Undermining someones beliefe, that they have held all their life, is just not nice. So i think i shall try not to contradict the theory of god. Unless someone wants to get in a argument with me. ha. but who wants so argue about anything? Not sure why i just said that too, just thinking i guess. Matt, whereever you are, i'm glad that ur dad's not pissed at you for being home latter then you should have. glad u decided to get home "early" too cause looking good for ur dad will make him trust you later too, so it's all good...
well this is all for now i guess.
More on life later...