.........fuck christmas. :-)

Dec 23, 2004 00:41

...and she says that my grandpa made it thru surgery!!!!!!!!!! I was so fucking relieved u have no fucking idea! Omg...whew...Ok, right now, I'd like to tell everyone who fucking reads this....be soooo thankful for the life that u have, and for the family u have, you never know when ur gonna lose them...b4 my grandpa went into the hospital, i prolly saw him, like, an hour b4 he went into the hospital, and i was just spending time with him, and talking to him, and when i left, and hugged him, and gave him the biggest hug in the world...and as i was giving him this hug, it never hit me that it might have been the last hug ive ever given him.....Just, everyone....please be thankful for what u have, even tho it might not be a million dollar house...or u dont always get what u want, just pleeze be thankful for what u have...cuz u never know when u might lose it...
( ^^^ thats one of my oldddd journal entries...it made me cry jus thought id show it to whoever takes the time to actually read this boring shit.) ok, christmas is gunna blow. cuz ill jus be thinkin of my grandpa, one of my best friends i cant evens ee cuz shes in the hospital...aand i dunno...some parts of it are gunna be nice but other parts are gunna suck...i dunno. well, tonight when i got off work at 6 i hung out with nick and ian and we went to my house then taco bell and my cheap ass only had $4 haha but i got alot of stuff for $4. it was cool i guess. its nice being out of school for a while. *2 month anniversary on christmas* damn, thats a record for me lmao. thats sad huh. wellll...kinda a record if u dont count break ups in between. if u get that?! whatever. lol. ummm...works goin good. megan u totally have to work at tcby ud be soo fucking cool jus like me. hah. 8-). ummm...i got a cute outfit for christmas, haha. jus thought id let you know. who in the fuck reads this shit!? wow. comment me to let me know. cuz i wanna see how much of a loser you are. jk jk...wow negativity huh...oh well deal with it :-D i guess im goin to bed im hella tired. night night. <3
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