Character Write-out for T'Lessa Tucker

May 29, 2009 01:47


T'Lessa Lúthien Tucker (Tess)

Role in Story:

Chief Diplomatic Officer - USS ENTERPRISE NCC1701


She's the diplomatic officer, so her job is conflict.  Plus she has two species to get stuff from


Nero, Various Star Trek baddies


Fellow shipmates

Social Standing Traits

Approximate Age:

91 ( Born 2168)


Diplomat, Star fleet Officer


Doctorate in Foreign Studies, Bachelors in Warp Engineering

Social Class:




Sovek (marriage dissolved in 2245)


Leonard McCoy, Nathanial Reed


Leonard McCoy, James Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov, Hikiru(?) Sulu, Christine Chapel, Janice Rand, Montgomery Scott, Nathaniel Reed, Alison Reed,


Charles Tucker III (Father), T'Pol (Mother), Lorian Tucker (Brother), Elizabeth Tucker (Sister - Deceased), Jonathan Archer (Godfather),  Erica Hernandez (Godmother), Hoshi Sato-Reed (Godmother), Malcolm Reed (Godfather), Travis Mayweather (honorary Uncle), Phlox (Honorary Uncle), Anna Hess (Honorary Aunt),

Observable Traits


about 5'6",  long brown hair, wavy at times.  Brown eyes,  bronze skin.

Identifying Trait:

pointed ears, green blood.


Uniform:  Red Ship Support Services 
Off duty:  loose clothing, a mix of earth outfits and the clothes of Vulcan.


Citrus or Vanilla depending on her mood.


Likes to put her feet up equal with her legs when working on a project,  taps her nails on her console when bored and on the bridge.


Tilts head when thinking,  raises eyebrow when uncertain where the person is going with their train of thought


Emotional Style:
Tends to side with her human side and expresses emotion.  However, deeper emotions such as grief and depression she tries to suppress until she is alone.  She also tends to avoid showing pain when injured.
Having her parents not be proud of her, her friends dying and not being able to save them

Optimist, generally good natured.   It takes alot to anger her, but she does get angry and expresses that anger.

Other notes of interest:

- She is more open about Vulcan and Vulcan practices then the average Vulcan, but she still finds some of it embarrassing to talk about (particularly Pon Farr and related rituals).

- She married due to an arranged marriage (despite her father's protests) and is fond of her ex-husband.  They had their marriage dissolved after Sovek met and fell in love with an Andorian Embassy worker.  Afterward, for the most part, when Pon Farr comes around she uses a mix of meditation and medication.  Only because she is half-human does this actually for the most part work.  However, it takes longer to get over Pon Farr, and actually having a mate would be preferable.

- She doesn't like to tell people her middle name.  Her father wanted to keep the LOTR theme up.  No one really uses that, except her brother when his human side shows and he calls her Lu to annoy her.   This does not happen much.

- In Prime!timeline T'Lessa is assigned to the Enterprise in 2168 and is picked up at the same time as Amok Time.   In Alternate!Timeline, T'Lessa is assigned to the Enterprise after a six month bereavement leave of absence in 2158.  In both timelines, she got involved with Len McCoy when he was about to join medical school.  It did not last long, however, it does add some extra tension when the two are reunited 22/14 years later.

- She was closer to her father then her mother, which may be why she tends to side on her human half when it comes to dealing with her emotions.  That being said, she still has a strong relationship with her mother.


fandom: star trek, character write up, verse: tlessa

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