A note on the tagging system for this journal.

Dec 17, 2007 01:07

As I have stated, I have started a new tag system for this journal to make it easier to find things.  Granted I may have over-tagged but we will see.  Most of my tags are kinda self explainatory but here is a guide in case you need it:
  • Character: (an entry with this tag includes this character or a story involving this character. ex.  character: blaise would contain a story with Blaise in it.  Not necessarily paired up with anyone.  He makes an appearance)
  • Pairing:  (an entry with this tag includes this pairing  ex.  pairing: elizabeth/rodney would tag a story containing that pairing)
  • Fic:  (this entry pertains to a certian story  ex.  fic: the baby room)
  • Story:  (this entry pertains to a certian original story  ex story: the boy king)
  • Series:  (Entries involved with a series of stories.  Most likely one-shots with the same general theme. ex.  series: to love a gryffindor.  No original fic will be placed under series)
  • Verse: (Entries involved with a certain established verse by me.  This can include one-shots, chapter fics, vids etc.  basically anything more extended then a series.  ex. verse: lizverse would be stories that deal with stories dealing with that established storyline.  The exception is verse: dora which is any story that contians Theodora Spinnet or variations thereof of her.  There are several storylines involving her that don't necessarily go together.  Original fic is placed under Verse)
  • Fanfiction: (This is the type of story.  A one shot would be tagged as fanfiction: one-shot)
  • Fanart: (this is what type of artwork I've created.  A LJ icon would be tagged as fanart: icons)
  • Original Art (all art unrelated to a fandom)
  • Original Fiction (all stories unrelated to a fandom)
  • Sad fandom news (I used this when I talk about people related to a particular fandom who have died.  At least that is what I've used for it so far
  • Musings ( Used on entries where either I am wondering about a certian element of writing or I'm asking for reader responce for something unrelated to my writing like a request for a image)
  • Plotbunnies (For entries laying out story ideas)
  • General Update (entries that don't pertian to anything in particular.  I'll use this for whenever I just want people to know about updates to various sites etc)
  • Fanfic 100 claim (any entry dealing with my claim on fanfic100 including the table, stories, and discussion on the stories.)

Hopefully that will explain things.  if you have any questions, feel free to comment.

This should be completed by the end of Monday (um...today I guess)

All original stories and art are now under a filter as are any fics that may contain adult content or contain slash (which at the moment is one, but I have one planned).  You can request to be included in one or the other, or both.  Or ask not to be added, but truthfully, unless you tell me, chances are you're not in the filter.

general update

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