Character List- Liz Verse

Oct 02, 2006 02:54

Here's the cast list/Family trees of the Lizverse people. Bolded are the "Triad" which if I continue this series after "Shattered Glass" will be the main focus.

Spike's last name comes from "The Importance of Being Ernest" and is not canon as far as I know. I'm not sure they gave him a last name. His middle name I made up.

--> Denotes Child of the above

--->>Step Child of the Above

* I don't know what Faith's last name is spelled like (LeHane? Lehane, Lahane, etc) and I'm not entirely sure that if she married Wes (if she did) she would take his last name.

** Not sure if Angel ever supplied a real last name, or he forgot or if I have to make one up. So untill then Alec is a Summers.

*** This pairing is only listed because I referenced it once in "Christmas Time Again". It's not a big pairing and I'd be surprised if I actually spent more then a paragraph on them.

Winifred "Fred" Burkle (Bracknall)
William "Spike" James Bracknall (Sr)
-->Elizabeth Cordelia Bracknall (November 4, 2007)
-->William James Bracknall (Jr) (Febuary 10, 2009)

Faith Marie Lahane (Wyndham Pryce??)*
Wesley -- Wyndham Pryce
--> Blake Edward Wyndham Pryce (Febuary 9, 2009)
--> Alexandra Maria Lahane Wyndham Pryce (January 1, 2011)
--> Unknown (Unknown...probably about 2026)

Cordelia -- Chase (MacDonald)
Lindsey --MacDonald
--> Haley Jane MacDonald (May 6, 2010)

Buffy Anne Summers
Liam "Angel" ----

--->>Connor ---
--> Alec Rupert Summers** (August 10, 2007)

Nicole Marie Bartoli
Charles Gunn
--> No children at this time

--> No Children at this time and I seriously doubt there ever will be.

Willow Rosenburg
Daniel "Oz" Ozborne
--> No Children at this time

--> No children at this time

Alexander Levelle Harris
--> No Children at this time

Kate Lockely
Jeremy MacDonald
-->No children at this time. (This couple may not be in final copy. It may turn out to be Jeremy/Dawn as Jeremy is closer to Dawn's age then Kate's)

And the Pairings to be found

Harmony/Knox (very short one sentence reference)

Haley/ Alec or Haley/Blake

Not sure if the latter three will still work, but the first two will definately be in any story I make when they are older. The last two may or may not be in it.

character: wesley wyndham-pryce, character: lindsey macdonald, character: faith lehane, verse: lizverse, character: spike, character: angel, fandom: angel, pairing: angel/buffy, character: fred burkle, pairing: wes/faith, pairing: fred/spike, pairing: cordelia/lindsey, character: cordelia chase

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