Taking the cue from
aj_rayne :
Synopsis of a Fangirl
All About You
1. Name/Nom de Plume - sylvacoer (aka, The Narrator at ff.net)
2. Age/Location/Gender - 24/Beppu (Japan)/Fem.
3. What other fandoms do you take part in? - Samurai Deeper Kyo, Rurouni Kenshin, Stargate SG-1
4. Favorite character(s) - Himura Kenshin (RK), Jack O'Neill (SG1), Shiina Yuya and Akira (SDK), IROH!!!! and Jet (ATLA)
5. Favorite Movie(s) - 13th Warrior, Gettysburg, Casablanca
6. Favorite Music - Baroque (Vivaldi, Boccherini, Mozart, Haydn); Irish Punk; Gothc Rock; J-pop
7. Favorite TV Show(s) - Law and Order (original, SVU, and Criminal Intent); NCIS; Mythbusters
8. Other Hobbies (besides an addiction to Avatar and LJ): Writing, drawing, reading, baking
All About Sokka
1. How did you find us? Random post on
avatar_fans 2. Why did you join? Reading
kiarasayre 's
excellent essay 3. If you were to ship Sokka, who would he pimp to and why? Me! *is slain* Suki, mainly because she's an equally strong character, can keep Sokka in line, respects him as a warrior, and isn't dead.
4. How do you plan on participating in this fine little crew of ours? FANART liek whoa, loves. (^_^)
5. Comments/Suggestions?: Do y'all do contests?
Any other random info you'd like to share:
... I like chocolate? XD The reason I like Sokka is because he strikes me as a genuine character, not some stock plot device. He's not just a clown, just a warrior, just a braggart, just a boy - he's all of those at once, and more. He can be annoying as hell or downright genius; he can be noble, sarcastic, and slightly overbearing all at one. He is sincere - when he loves, he is in love, head over heels. He sees far beyond what the other main characters see (in fact, in a couple more years, I see him standing on par with Iroh in the general AWEsomeness department) and acts accordingly (or tries to).
Succinctly, I enjoy Sokka's personality to the point that I get l angry when I see other people taking one singular facet of his personality for granted and reducing him to nothing more than a caricature.
Hope that means I qualify as part of the crew?