Intro Post - Hi-hi!

Mar 05, 2007 08:14

Taking the cue from
aj_rayne :

Synopsis of a Fangirl
All About You

1. Name/Nom de Plume - sylvacoer (aka, The Narrator at

2. Age/Location/Gender - 24/Beppu (Japan)/Fem.

3. What other fandoms do you take part in? - Samurai Deeper Kyo, Rurouni Kenshin, Stargate SG-1

4. Favorite character(s) - Himura Kenshin (RK), Jack O'Neill (SG1), Shiina Yuya and Akira (SDK), IROH!!!! and Jet (ATLA)

5. Favorite Movie(s) - 13th Warrior, Gettysburg, Casablanca

6. Favorite Music - Baroque (Vivaldi, Boccherini, Mozart, Haydn); Irish Punk; Gothc Rock; J-pop

7. Favorite TV Show(s) - Law and Order (original, SVU, and Criminal Intent); NCIS; Mythbusters

8. Other Hobbies (besides an addiction to Avatar and LJ): Writing, drawing, reading, baking

All About Sokka

1. How did you find us? Random post on

2. Why did you join? Reading
kiarasayre 's excellent essay

3. If you were to ship Sokka, who would he pimp to and why? Me! *is slain* Suki, mainly because she's an equally strong character, can keep Sokka in line, respects him as a warrior, and isn't dead.

4. How do you plan on participating in this fine little crew of ours? FANART liek whoa, loves. (^_^)

5. Comments/Suggestions?: Do y'all do contests?

Any other random info you'd like to share:

... I like chocolate? XD The reason I like Sokka is because he strikes me as a genuine character, not some stock plot device. He's not just a clown, just a warrior, just a braggart, just a boy - he's all of those at once, and more. He can be annoying as hell or downright genius; he can be noble, sarcastic, and slightly overbearing all at one. He is sincere - when he loves, he is in love, head over heels. He sees far beyond what the other main characters see (in fact, in a couple more years, I see him standing on par with Iroh in the general AWEsomeness department) and acts accordingly (or tries to).

Succinctly, I enjoy Sokka's personality to the point that I get l angry when I see other people taking one singular facet of his personality for granted and reducing him to nothing more than a caricature.

Hope that means I qualify as part of the crew?

intro post

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