I really can't believe I hadn't found this community before now. Ah, well, here goes...
All About You
- Name/Nom de Plume: Jade, found in various places across the internet as Jade Sabre
- Age/Location/Gender: in college/bleedin blue and gold/female, yo
- What other fandoms do you take part in? I watch the HP fandom and occasionally write fanfic for it; I also follow Order of the Stick, and I've read many of the Star Wars EU books, though I don't actively discuss them. Oh, and I like the normal parts of the LOTR fandom. Also active with the fandom for Megan Whalen Turner's Queen's Thief books.
- Favorite character(s) *from any fandom, not just ATLA* Attolia and Eugenides from the aforementioned Queen's Thief books, Toph, Ron Weasley *waves a Ron-lover banner*, Elan and Haley from OotS, Eowyn in LOTR
- Favorite Movie(s) uh...ranges from Clueless to Notorious to Fellowship of the Ring to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And a few in between
- Favorite Music: I've recently become addicted to a group called Guster; I like a wide variety of things, though my tastes seem to settle on acoustic rock
- Favorite TV Show(s): Avatar? I'm fond of Fairly Odd Parents as well. Also, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. I don't watch much TV
- Other Hobbies (besides an addiction to Avatar and LJ): writing, reading, sleeping, getting my homework done on time, eating. The usual.
All About Sokka
- How did you find us? uh...I think you're affiliated with katara_zuko and I happened to see the link and go "hm?"
- Why did you join? Because I freaking love Sokka. On a recent meme I did on my journal, I listed him as
Sokka is my favorite because he's my quintessential normal guy. He doesn't have any superpower, but he holds his own because he is competent. He's also the most datable member of the cast--he's fairly normal, doesn't have any deep-seated emotional issues, and is both physically attractive and has a sense of humor. He also puts up with all the prodgies and geniuses around him. He's the one who watches.
- If you were to ship Sokka, who would he pimp to and why? Lord, I don't know anymore. I used to be big into Sokka/Ty Lee, but that's become more implausible lately, and so writing fic for it is very tiring. I never liked Yue all that much, but I did love the angst she caused. I'm perfectly fine shipping Sokka/Suki--they're very cute together--but I keep hold of Sokka/Ty Lee, just in case.
- How do you plan on participating in this fine little crew of ours? (fic, art, sharing wisdom): well, with any luck, I'll start writing more Sokka-centric Avatar fic. If not, I'll happily hang around and read what others write and discuss, and share my own opinions (for free! XD).
- Comments/Suggestions?: let's get it started, yo.
Any other random info you'd like to share: I freaking love my icon. XD