Title: Best Friends
Author: freezemachine
Rating: PG
Summary: It sucked being the best friend. But she'd deal with it.
Warnings: Kind of sad.
Author's notes: First fanfiction for A:TLA :)
It sucked being the best friend. It really did. And it sucked that my life was like a terrible cliché. It sucked that I was in love. But mostly, it sucked being Sokka's best friend. I have came to the conclusion that life sucks in general.
He came to me for advice about Suki. You know what he wanted advice about? How to propose to her! He was so dense, I swear, he was blinder then me. On the inside, anyways. Maybe I was just good at hiding my feelings. Who knows?
So here I was, trying not to cry. And Toph Bei Fong does not cry. The only time I remembered crying, after I was past the age of ten, was when I was waiting to fall to my death (which, by the way, hasn't come yet, thankfully). And I'm pretty sure most anyone would cry if they were in that situation. But now, I was trying to hold back tears...because my best friend was getting married. Sad tears, too. Not tears of joy. Nope, these were miserable, pitiful tears that were caused by realization that the person you love will never love you back. That he's happy with someone else. That the deal is about to be sealed for good.
"Toph? What's wrong?" Sokka asked, the happiness leaving his voice when he saw the tears in my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and muttered, "Allergies."
"Allergies? Really? Toph, I could've come up with a better excuse than that," he scoffs. He . Was. Such. An. Idiot.
"You really wanna know, Sokka?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Well, I suppose I would tell him now or never.
"Well, yeah! I just told you some happy news, and you're about to cry!" He rolled his eyes. I took a breath, put on my indifferent, bored, facial expression, and said:
"Fine. Sokka, I'm in love with you. Happy? Bye." I turned on my heel and started to walk away, hoping the shock of what I told him would prevent him from trying to come after me.
But sadly, it didn't work. "Wait, Toph. Um, I don't think I heard you right. Because, if I did, you just said you're in love with me," he laughed.
"Sokka. You heard me right," I said.
He stayed silent. I got the feeling he was giving me a look, so I just sat there and waited. After an eternity, he asked softly, "So...why didn't you tell me?"
"You had Suki. You'd just reject me," I explained.
"Well, I'm getting married now, so it's not exactly the perfect time, either!" he yelled suddenly.
"Well, it's better then after you're already married."
He paused. "Toph...I love Suki. I'm sorry, but I just do. And I love you too, but Toph, I love you like a little sister, and a best friend...but not like that."
"I know that, Snoozles. Why else would you marry her?" I said dryly. "Look, I know you love her, and that you're marrying her, and that I'm your best friend, and nothing more. I'll deal with it. Better than nothing." With that, I turned on my heel and walked away, and this time, he let me go.
Yeah. Being the best friend sucked...but I guess I'd live with it.