I'm posting it here incase someone comes by...
Title: The Older Brother Complex
Author: Téa aka kaibasgirl
Rating: T for one word
Warnings: none, really.
The Older Brother Complex
“You know, it’s pathetic.”
“Hmmm? What is?”
“Compared to Sokka, you’re a complete wuss.”
“Excuse me?!”
“I mean, you’re the Fire Lord, aren’t you? How can you let yourself lose to Meathead?”
“Mind explaining yourself before I incinerate you?!”
“Ha! As if you could.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing, Sparky, relax. Anyway, what I mean is, don’t you see how over-protective Snoozles is over Sugar Queen?”
“Beg your pardon?”
“Ugh. Okay, let me explain, and try to follow along. If Sokka ever saw you lay so much as one teensy weensy finger on Katara, he would go berserk. And I mean the I’m-Going-To-Kill-You-For-Touching-My-Sister kind of berserk. Seriously, he wouldn’t rest till he stuck that boomerang of his up your-“
“Okay, okay, your point is?”
“Well, Sokka and Azula are making-out in one of those empty closets down the hall as we speak, while you’re sitting here and doing absolutely nothing.”
“It’s her life, she can make-out with whomever she wants. It’s not like my doing anything will stop her. And anyway, how do you know where they are and what they’re doing?”
“I can feel their vibrations from here, and besides, your sister’s a screamer.”
“I’m…going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“Aren’t you going to do anything?”
“See, that’s exactly it! If it were you and Katara kissing, Sokka would already know, and he’d be on his way to mutilate your body!”
“So, by your not doing anything, you are, in essence, losing to Sokka!”
“Losing in what, exactly?”
“In the whole ‘over-protective brother’ complex.”
“…You realize that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard?”
“Look, all I’m saying is, you’re letting Sokka get away with kissing your sister. You’re not giving him a hard time about it, not threatening him, not ripping him apart or spitting fire or cracking his head open, nothing!”
“If he’s kissing Azula, than he’s already brain-damaged. Cracking his skull won’t do me any good. Besides, I’m sure she makes him suffer.”
“But don’t you want to contribute to it?”
“I’m not getting involved in my sister’s affairs. Let her do what she wants with whom she wants, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my life.”
“Yeah, but if it were you and Katara, you’d be dead by now.”
“Why do you suddenly care so much?”
“Katara’s my friend, and in some weird, twisted way, you are too. I just don’t want to see you guys having to keep your relationship so secret, that’s all.”
“Do you honestly think I’m going to buy that?”
“Do you honestly think you won’t?”
“…So what exactly do you want me to do?”
“Go make Sokka suffer! He’s kissing your little-“
“Okay, younger-“
“Alright! He’s having sex with the woman who’s made your very existence miserable from the day she was old enough to Firebend, happy?”
“So go over there and kick butt!”
“I’m the Fire Lord. I have no reason to do any of that, even if I would want to. Besides, we’re trying for peace here, I don’t need the whole Water Tribe on my case.”
“Yeah, but this is trying for peace. If you give Sokka a taste of his own medicine, than maybe he’ll leave you alone, and will stop declaring war on your relationship with Sugar Queen.”
“You’re not going to shut up about this, are you?”
“Nope! I’ll just keep talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talk-“
“Alright! I’m going!”
Toph waited a few moments before following after Zuko. A nasty grin graced her features.
Katara may be one to get embarrassed by her brother’s antics, but there wasn’t a darn chance Azula was going to take the “older brother” crap from Zuko.
The End