Sep 04, 2010 15:56

oh dear oh lord, there are only 3 weeks left for this quarter and I am slacking terribly (per usual) and starting to ~*~flip out~*~ about my work. I just don't know where to go with this project- It's a lot of work for only one person to work on. Especially considering I haven't taken half of the required classes for it because my school is kinda dumb.


this is the main character's face model so far. I'm happy with it, but mostly because i think he vaguely resembles clint eastwood. ironically no references were used and I sculpted this from a base sphere in mudbox.

I have a vague idea where I want to go with the level design (which I haven't started yet- shame on me ~_~). I was going to make it a floating metropolis- kind of like a gigantic airship that is a central point between kingdoms because it is a major trade city. there's 3 tiers of citizenship, much like a caste system- rich, middle, poor- and the different parts of the city are all represented by this (the rich part, for example, is very clean and neat while the poor part is very dirty and cluttered). At the center of the city is a giant clocktower which somehow keeps the city afloat (it's a mystery and that's part of what the game is about!!)

hopefully I'll be able to get it done in 3 weeks... wish me luck!
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