*Blows Dust Off* ... well hello there.

Oct 01, 2014 02:47

Ah yes... livejournal. Long time... LOOOnnng time... couple years? Eh... not much has changed and yet... there has been several changes. I no longer work at a grocery store. I work in a nursing home. (what?!) ... yeah... I am also no longer dating the guy i dated for ... 5+ years. I am just in the beginnings of a new relationship. The guy is wild to say the least. I think that is what makes me love him so much. He is upbeat and often proceeds with positive attitude. He motivates me and is sweet to me.

My boss at the nursing home is in the military. I find myself learning so much from her. I am learning more than she probably ever intended to teach. I am able to prioritize things, let the small stuff go, and improve my preformance. She is obviously organized and expectations are pretty high for us in the kitchen. I have a love/hate relationship with this. As I said, I am learning A LOT. It's only been a few months there, I can feel my own rapid growth happening. Other people are noticing the growth too. I think the strange combination between my supportive boyfriend and my expectant yet kind boss has been the fertilizer for all this growth. I'm enjoying it. Life is stressful right now, more than ever before, but it feels so different. It feels like there are solid foundations being built and true reasons to reach further and push harder. I'm learning to do things for myself, by myself (with information and encouragement from others). Instead of being told what to think or do, I am getting the chance to explore and do soul searching.

I guess the only things that are negative lately are the fact that I keep hearing about being a "late bloomer" and that im getting too old. I hear a lot of it from my parents and I have had to limit its effects on me. I used to let things they say just... completely override anything and everything I'd come up with on my own. I realize they are humans and not without fault or troubles. I realize that even if they want what's best for me, they might not always know what that is. I am going to be the best judge of what's best for me. I used to let that very thought frighten me to the point of freezing up and turning a blind eye on problems. LIfe doesn't work well like that. You can only limp along that way for so long. I don't want to keep myself a victim, nor do I want to limp along any longer. I find myself wanting to stride with confidence and calculated calmness. I actually think im capable of working on that. I see myself working towards this, and it makes me excited. :)
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