Mar 12, 2008 13:22
Tripsolagnophilia (TRIP-suh-LAG-nuh-FIL-ee-uh) - The desire to obtain sexual pleasure from massage.
Coitobalnism (KOH-i-toh-BAL-niz'm) - Sex in the bath or shower.
Sacifricosis (SAK-oh-fri-KOH-sis) - The practice of absentmindedly fiddling with your genitalia through your pants pockets. "playing pocket pool" or "pocket hockey"
Faunoiphilia (FAW-nay-FIL-ee-uh) - An abnormal desire to watch animals copulate.
Brassirothesauriast (bruh-zeer-oh-thuh-SAW-ree-ast) - A person who collects brassieres or pictures of women wearing them.
Paraphilia (PAR-uh-FIL-ee-uh) - A preoccupation with unusual or abnormal sexual practices.
Eunoterpsia (YOO-noh-TURP-see-uh) - The doctrine that pursuing sexual pleasure is the goal of life.
Typhlobasia (TIF-luh-BAY-zee-uh) - Kissing with the eyes closed.
Amychesis (AM-i-KEE-sis) - The involuntary act of scratching or clawing your partner in the heat of passion.
Mammaquatia (MAM-uh-KWAY-shee-uh) - The bobbing or jiggling of a woman's breasts when she walks, dances, or exercises.
Cingulomania (SING-gyoo-loh-MAY-nee-uh) - A strong desire to hold a person in your arms.
Ozoamblyrosis (OH-zoh-AM-bli-ROH-sis) - Loss of sexual appetite because your partner has wicked B.O.
Amomaxia (AM-uh-MAX-see-uh) - Love-making in a parked car.
Colpocoquette (KAHL-puh-koh-KET) - A woman who knows she has an attractive bosom, and who makes good use of its allure.
Melolagnia (MEL-uh-LAG-nee-uh) - Sexual arousal inspired by music.
Krukolibidinous (KROO-koh-li-BID-i-nus) - Crotch-watching; having one's gaze fixated on the crotch.
Anorchous (an-ORK-us) - Devoid or deprived of testicles; in colloquial lingo, "has no balls."
Mastilagnia (MAS-ti-LAG-nee-uh) - Sexual pleasure derived from being whipped. (MED-ek-TAY-zhee-uh) - The bulge seen through a man's clothing created by his genitalia.
Erotographomania (e-RAHT-uh-GRAF-uh-MAY-nee-uh) - A mania from writing ardent love letters, or an obsession with erotic writing.
Basorexia (BAY-zuh-REK-see-uh) - An overwhelming desire to kiss or neck.
Cacocallia (KAK-uh-KAL-shee-uh) - The paradoxical state of being ugly but at the same time sexually desirable.
Hirsutophilia (hur-S(Y)OOT-uh-FIL-ee-uh) - Attraction to hairy men.
Imparlibidinous (im-PAHR-li-BIDi-nus) - Unequal in sexual desire.
Sphallolalia (SFAL-oh-LAY-lee-yuh) - Flirtatious talk that does not lead to amorous action.
Viricapnity (VI-ri-KAP-ni-tee) - The aura of virile sexuality presumed to emanate from a man who is smoking.
Timotrudia (TIM-uh-TROO-dee-uh) - Sexual timidity or bashfulness.
Misomaniac (Mis-oh-MAY-nee-ak) - A person who hates everything.
Slattern (SLAT-turn) - A slovenly woman or girl; also, a prostitute.
Dysania (dis-AY-nee-uh) - The state of being sexually aroused the moment you wake up in the morning.
Lalochezia (LAL-uh-KEE-zee-uh) - The use of foul or abusive language to enhance sex.
Noeclexis (NOH-i-KLEK-sis) - The practice of selecting a partner based on intellegence and character without regard for physical attractiveness.
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