Jan 13, 2003 18:07
do any of you out there know people that you just think need to laugh more. like they laugh at the relay funny stuff, but never laugh at the cruel airiness of life. those airiness that will often not look so funny at the time. but these people never go back and think about how funny it is now, instead they just think about the stuff that they can’t fix. if your person like that, please for the sake of the rest of us, tell us why.
o and the question is a 2 prater today.
first to the girls. what is the fist signal, sine, hint etc. that you give your special other that you’re made, upset, pissed, how ever you want to fraise it
and to the men. what is the first sine that you see that tells you that your special other is pissed.
as always include the stander info about your self