Jan 18, 2003 14:17
in the past years thair has been adermatic up swing in school vilonce. starting with colombine and just becomeing more and more comon. untell now we have medil detectors and school gards and nobody notises them. but let me stat for the recored that thair are 2 perfect ways to detur school vilonce to the point that we would no longer hear of it on the wekely news. the first we atempt so oftern, and that is to have no weppons and no fighting. the second that no one ever menchens would also run on that same logick of equality. that would be every one cares a weepon and is traind to fight. now i know that your all going to call me nuts. but, would you draw a gun on some one if you knew that every one in the room would draw one on you. would you start a fist fight i you knew that that person acrost form you was a traind black belt that could kill you before you move. humasn are generly agresive speches. this showe in any game we play, any time we compet for ranking, and any time we fight. sosity so often tryes to ignor the anamilistic side of human nacher. and every one knowes the the more you try to opress humans and how they wish to act the more and more thair willing to fight. DO you thing that those kids that started colombin would have done that if they had some place that they could go that they could fight and know that they wouldn't get in truble for it. maby, maby not. alls i know is that when i'm frusterated i like to yell and screem and hit things. i know i would be a lot less likly to get in fights if thair was some place i could go and blow off that steem