(no subject)

May 15, 2016 18:39

Livejournal, I have missed you. Social media bites. Honestly, what is the point of having a friends list when none of those 27 or so "friends" or 200+ followers (for twitter) hardly ever acknowledges you or gives you the time of day... ever? You might as well be in a large, spacious room all to yourself, talking about whatever to something that's inanimate than to believe for one second that someone is really listening to you on social media. They are far too busy with their own exciting lives, family, and friends to stop by to give you a "How ya' doing?" even though you do just that for them all the time. Completely egocentric, which is understandable, why follow someone when you're not interested in anything they post? It is the one gripe I have always had with this kind of social platform. Honestly, I do not get get it, and I don't think I ever will judging by how things are going currently. Now I've gone back to basics. I just use my social media account's timelines as repository for anything on the web I want to save for future reference, which is an excellent means for storage... and have turned off my notifications. Unless you have many real life social connections/friends and you know a lot of people, or you're a celeb, I would not really say it is for someone like me, whose social interactions does not extend farther than her own immediate circle. A small circle that cares as much about social networking as I do at the moment. So why prompt me with a friend invite when you do not want to know the first thing about me? Is it my interests that intrigues you? Who I listen to? What I am watching? Am I "friends" with someone we're both mutually befriended with or following? As scathing as this may sound, I can do without this artificial means for social interaction. I despise being ignored... but I'm not going to post a series of selfies or resort to other attention seeking measures to gain acknowledgement from the same people who were not checking on me before.

Anyway, I do really love forums or journals such as this one and Fanforum because, unlike Facebook or Twitter, things feel more intimate in the sense that there are groups of people devoted to sharing with others their works of creativity that are so entertaining, or just plain informative! It's not all about "look at me, look at me", but instead, about preserving the legacy of a show by keep a fandom alive. There are tons of QAF fanfic communities here to look forward to. How's that for sheer excellence? :)

And to the ones who have been following me on here, sorry I have not been on. Have been so busy with life, but I missed you all. *hugs*
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