Apr 16, 2014 19:34
For the last freaking time, people, cats are NOT EVIL. My cat is not bent on world domination. He does not have dreams about killing or conquering me. Anyone who has ever spent any time with my cat, or with a cat in general, but especially mine, should know this. If you say that my cat is evil, then you are ignorant and should stop spewing said ignorance out of your mouth. I do NOT find it funny when you post things to my Facebook wall that perpetuate this ignorance. I find it just as offensive as any other form of ignorance, such as race or gender jokes. If you think this is funny, or if you think I will find it funny, you are sorely mistaken.
Cats are control freaks. They like to be in control of their own lives. As for everyone else's lives, they DON'T GIVE A CRAP. They don't want to dominate anyone but themselves. They are not any more manipulative than any other pet, who all use their cuteness that they know they have to get attention or food. Cats are smart, but that does not make them evil. Cats are adorable, but that does not make them evil. And cats are control freaks. BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM EVIL!
Cats want what any other creature wants: to be loved and respected, to have clean and plentiful food and water, and to have a warm, safe environment in which to live. Idiot moron jerks who don't show love and respect to cats will suffer the consequences, just as they would with any other animal. This does not make cats evil. It makes them just like the rest of us. And just like the rest of us, cats can also be scared, or angry, and take it out on the wrong target. But who hasn't? If you've ever done that, does that mean you are evil? No, it means you are scared or angry, and also misguided, but not evil. Cats are no more flawed than we are. If anything, we're more flawed than cats because we make sweeping assumptions about all creatures of a certain type being evil, or stupid, or greedy, or whatever before ever giving them a chance. Cats are at least curious enough to investigate things for themselves instead of taking things at face-value, like an idiot.
I'm just so freaking sick of this crap. Ignorant people thinking that the woman who loves cats is going to find cat-bashing jokes "so hilarious." I'm not the biggest fan of babies, but you don't see me telling parents of young children jokes about their kids secretly hating and wanting to kill them. Because first off, everyone knows that's bull crap, just like everyone SHOULD know that cats don't secretly hate their owners and want to kill them. It's not funny if there's no truth in it. And secondly, even if I did believe such ignorant B.S., I have the tact and decency to know not to say that to parents and fans of babies. Obviously, they wouldn't agree, since they have and love their babies. So why would I, a woman who has always loved cats, who treats her cat almost like her child, who volunteers at a freaking shelter for cats, find cat-bashing jokes funny?!? Get a freaking clue, morons!
He may not be able to speak English, but I can tell that my cat loves me. He seeks me out to snuggle with me. He always comes home when I call for him. He gives me slow blinks and purrs and swishes his tail when I talk to him. When he feels scared, he comes to me for comfort. He misses me and Mark when one of us isn't around. These are not the signs of a creature who wants to control me. These are not behaviors of an animal who wants to see me dead. And anyone who believes that they are has the observation powers of a grapefruit. You don't have to agree with me that cats are the best animal companions, but you have no right to judge my cat, (or me for having an "evil" cat), based on falsities. And you especially have no right to rub your ignorance in my face with your slandering memes. Have some freaking common sense and keep it to yourself.