To do before friday

Aug 10, 2010 15:42

To do before Otakuthon

-Finish those %*& !&%*#&  haori sleeves

-See the haori sleeves on the haori

-Do the finitions on the haori

-Buy fabric for my kosode sleeves

-Buy paper for the pins

-Remake my  Grell chains

-Style my Grell wig

-Go to the grocery store

-Make sandwichs

-Go to the Palais des Congres  to  have my pass

-Go make change

- Cut my hair

-Color my Grell fanart

-Change the form of my eyesbrows

-Shave my legs (no, I don’t look like a monkey, it’s just because I’m a perfectionist)

-Sew the sleeves of the kosode

-Do the finitions on the kosode

-Do the hakama

-Do straps for the getas

- Do a headband

-Find and try the tabis

-Maybe do tabis (will probably not happen)

-Finish to colors my pins

-Do the layout for my pins

-Straigten my hair

-Make prints of my nekomata and my bishi with glasses

-Make keychains and bookmarks with those same drawings

-Download “my Japanese coach”

-Watch more  Hakuouki , the two news episodes of Kuroshitsuji and the news episodes of That guy with the glasses

-Do an awesome playlist and fully recharge my DS for Friday. I’ll have music at my stand :D

-Go to Manga-The to take my product for the week-end

-Go to the grocery store

-Go to Mat’s parents place to pass overlock on my news clothes

-Call Revenu Canada

-SLEEP (probably Friday morning)

-Prints DS stickers

-Do DS stickers

-Cut paper for the keychains

-Test my teeth paint

-Assemble all of my 2 suits

-Press the clothes that need to be pressed

-Recharge the batteries for my camera

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