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Jan 14, 2010 11:34

Ahhh. I feel so happy recently. I think it's just a time where I realise I'm so happy and confortable in my life, even if some things don't go like I would want. My social relationships are going really well (boyfriend, familly, friends :D), I can see my friends more often now, and my job is kinda fun, despite the fact I don't always have the hours I want. My cat are cute, my appartment is confortable, I draw, play game, sleep in a confy bed with my boyfriend every night.
So yep. I'm happy. Thank to everyone who make my live so full of joy and fun :D

So this week, I
-Went to the model class sunday. I should do that everyday, it would help me soooo much
-Then spent time to draw the comic with Annie and her friend
-Did a good dinner with Mat.
-Played New Mario Bros Wii with him. I'm so noooooot good at 2D Mario, I'm better with the 3D one. I'm just a charge for Mat when we play, but we both think it's fun anyway
-Then drew comic while listening The Cat Returns
-Tested a simili-dating game at the job,monday. Was funny
-Talked a lot about dinosaurs with a guy I didn't know, again at the job, on the communicator. It's like making an internet comrade, except he's in the same room as me, I just don't know who he is.
-Had an amazing, smooth, comic reunion monday. We answered some questions we had and worked on our pages. And Mat drew the characters on our comic. They're awesome !
-Talked 1hour and a half with Annie and Hans about differents things, monday. Was pretty fun
-Gave Annie and Anna their gifts. And they're happy. Yey!
-Went to Annie's place tuesday. Finally drew a decent amount of comic. Also worked on the art I prepare for the blog
-Met Ingrid after a job, went to an indian food place ,with delicious food :D
-Then went to Ingrid's place for the first time, it was pretty fun... we just talked for hours :D
-Bought Animeland. Kuroshitsuji cover, could not resist XD.
-Ingrid lended me the 4 tomes of a josei series call " Ms Oishii, 28 years old, single" It's was pretty good O.O I devoured the 4 books in one day. Altought they didn't took very longs to read.
-Went to Chibii's place yesterday. We talked a lot, she showed me some artbook she owned, and we ate good vegetarian burgers :D
-Then went to the Kilo, joined with Mat and Lay there. We talked a lot, then we went to see Brin at the hospital, and he was going out at the same time, so we just went to eat at a very Hetalian-Italian restaurant(food was weird, decoration was weird (framed lobster O.o) and musicians were more spammers than muscisians), then went back to the Kilo
-A lot of people who don't come often were there. Ariane, Wufei, Diana, Batman, Caro (and Stephane passed jsut before to see Brin)
-Talked with Lay, Guillaume, Annie, Ariane, Piero, Ingrid and Brin a lot :D With Mali and baba too of course.
-Ate a chocolate-pear cake part and drank a brasilian coffee. Gheeeee *.*
-Then went back to my home, waaaaaay too late with Mat ON THE BUS O.o So yep. Took the bus with Mat. I was happy ^^

A list of what I received for Christmas
-My aunt Gisele gave me a coat she didn't wanted anymore .Wich is awesome ,very classy, almost new, and very warm.Very thirthies looking. Altought it's 15 years old, the false fur on the cuffs and collar are still in perfect shape.
-My aunt Denise gave to me and my sis a big bag of clothes (she does that often) she didn't want. I ended up we two news tops and an evening dress witha matching bolero :D. She also gave us a little notepad.The cover is like a chinese painting of butterflies, really beautiful, so I'm gonna use it to write my phone numbers :D
-My uncle Mario gave us... disposable chopsticks, as some kind of a joke.But I kept them and left them at my parents's house. Emergency chopsticks XD
-I won an little zen fountain/candelar that work with batteries, at the ladies gift exchange in the Ouellet family
-In my Chistmas sock (from my parents), I received a lot of candies and chocolate, make up, beauty products, a note pad, batteries, etc
-From my parents, I received Mario Galaxy, a book ond drawing people and clothes(really nice and instructive) and a book about the buildings in Paris ( wich will be sooooo perfect for the comic)
-From my sister, I received a Zelos (Tales of Symphonia) pin :D
-From my bababababa <3 I received a Wiimote and a Nunchuck (so now I can play with him *.*) and the deluxe DVD of The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938 movie with Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland <3)
-From his parents, well I received an amazing 1950 replica dress her mom made for me... And I will receive 3 others suits :D
-From Annie, I received a beautiful kanzashi to go with my yukata and her whole collection of La Comtesse de Segur's book
-From Hans, we (it was for me and Mat) the New Super Mario Brother Wii. Yeay... now we have a two players game :D
-From Mali, a manucure kit. Now I MAY be able to have decents hands
-From Mat's grand-aunt, a decoration made with towels , folded and decorated wih ribbons to look like a little bathrobe.... It was wwwwway to kitch unfortunatly and it would have slept in my drawers forever, so I destoryed the piece of art and kept the towels (who were a bit damaged, but have pretty colors) and kept the decorations to do something else. It was sad to do... I felt pretty bad, but I think it was the most reasonable descision

I JUST received work to do... and now it's lunch time. So yep... I didn't work the whooooooole morning
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