ive been down a few of these roads. trust me i know these things

Sep 18, 2004 21:43

first post in 329843298 years.

i need to make a to do list and post it here because i cant remember shit and i lose everything.

1. get rid of elbow wart

2. find the lizard that  i hunted down and trapped in the kitchen the other day that my mom let loose in the house again.

3. stop putting my foot on this plastic thing and breaking it.

4. sweep

5. brush my hair

6. find my other shoe

7. i forgot already

new things happen everyday its inevitable. just yesterday my shoe stayed tied all day. imagine that. fucking great. my driving lately though has been sketchy. i was driving in the alberstons parking lot when this little kid of perhaps 4 years darts out of the decorative shrubs on the side of the divider. i see this little troll jump out and try to be a good driver and hit the breaks. but i got the pedals confused and hit the gas instead. thankfully the troll jumped right back into the shrubs and stayed there. now some people might argue that i almost ran over this kid and that i would have been or a murderer or semi murderer since i  was confused about the gas and breaks. i would have to disagree with them though and say i was a teacher. i mean no longer will this kid dart in front of people that are driving with all windows down and listening to iron maiden. one day someone will tell this kid to jump in the road but this kid will be like no i learned my lesson then look to the sky and say thank you tessa even though he doesnt know my name. and i will feel his silent thanks and put my hand against my heart and say to myself, i saved another soul.

picture time now since my camera ceases to be broken thanks to new batteries. fuck technology though i still have dial up internet.

look who cleaned their room. hours of cleaning no lies. HOURS. yeah the cat is eating my dinner i know that, but the thing is the cats retarded and i feel sorry for him. plus his breath doesnt smell that bad.

i guess if i was someone else i would have turned this into a bad ass cool picture and used it in a post complaining about how depressed i am but im just not that ambitious. so i'll explain it like it is. that flower if you can tell its a flower was one of those bad ass chocolate flowers that you get for valentines day. i tried to eat it and carefully extracted the chocolate from the wrapper and promptly dropped it on my carpet pre 15 stream cleanings. usually i eat everything but i like rice krispies more than chocolate and my carpet was really dirty. bash finally figured out not to piss in my room thankfully.  so then i took the stem and empty wrapper and placed it in a beer bottle that i spray painted gold. it could have been symbolic of depression maybe the empty wrapper standing in for an empty heart but insted its white trash chic. enjoy

ok now this looks weird but there is a reason behind it. something happened to my shoe i think the dog chewed on it or something. this piece of the outside black fabric was all messed up with holes in it so i pulled it off. the damn thing left a perfect white square and i really didnt want people to think that yeah this girl thinks its cool to rip parts of her shoe off. i just dont think that way. ITS NOT COOL TO RIP PARTS OF YOUR SHOES.. YOUR FEET WILL GET COLD. so i decided i needed to put somethere there to make it less obvious. the end result is a 7th grade picture of chelsey hot glued over part of the white part. i thought the picture was bigger and would cover it all but i guess wrong. the hot glue was superb though.

ok bad picture i know its horrible. but isnt it trendy how my cats match

dusty is always calling his friends asking if they want to go to senior sanchos for dinner. i do so i dressed up this horse thats missing an ear. dusty didnt notice and im not hungry anymore.

gosh im like aladdin i can walk on water

sorry for this super long post its more of a conversation i woul dhave with maty but now shes telling about her brother looking at porn...
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