Way long post ahead. Bear with me I'm a nerd:
Shitty week. Shitty month. Amazing fucking weekend. So goddamn good.
Started out like it was going to be awful though. I worked pretty much 9-5 everyday this week lifting heavy boxes of summer reading books. Thursday I came home and climbed on the couch with the cat. Woke up 5 hours later very disoriented. I ate then went downstairs and went back to sleep. It was a long fucking week.
So my friends Lex and Michele are supposed to get here at 10:30pm on Friday night. Then off to Boston in the morning. I talk to Michele and she tells me Lex doesn't want to leave to get here until Saturday morning. Michele had driven to State College from Pittsburgh even though her girlfriend had gotten arrested because she told me she would come. She's a killer friend. I talk to Lex and find out she wants to stay so she can drink with people. She personally guarantees that she will get here no later that 10am. Michele turns around and goes back to Pittsburgh. To stay in SC while Lex drinks and her gf sits in jail was just too much for her.
At this point, I am fairly sure my weekend is fucked. I check my Google Reader. My friend Tricia had blogged she was drinking mojitos and wanted ice cream cake. I bought one and went over. I had a marvelous time drinking mojitos and talking. We go off on awesome tangents and often don't finish the stories we start. She is a lovely cuddler and a fantastic person. I still don't know how she found out how old the dude she is seeing is...
Got up early and went home to wait for Lex. 9:30 and no word from Lex. Finally I get a text. She overslept... somehow not surprising. I napped on the couch with the cat occasionally waking me up by snapping the rubber band on my wrist. 12:30 and we are off.. on a slightly more madcap of an adventure than previously planned. Lex had to pee for most of the ride, but we were wicked late.
Boston... such a wonderful city.
Amanda Palmer
of the Dresden Dolls, with the drama department of her old high school, put on a awesome play called "With the Needle That Sings In Her Heart". It was a play about the Holocaust and what might have happened to Anne Frank after she was taken to a concentration camp. It was inspired by the Neutral Milk Hotel album "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea".
http://amandapalmer.net/lexington - about it
http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1485833 - the actual play
In the beginning, they did a vaudeville-esque thing. They had people from the audience dancing with cast members on the stage. A woman fell into the pit. It was quite funny, but there was real worry about whether she was hurt. After some time, she got out and we clapped. I don't think she stayed for the show, which is sad because it was great. If you watch the video, I'm in it a couple times during the vaudeville part. Amanda Palmer came up to me after walking around a bit and asked me the time. (It's at 26:41 haha we were watching it to see the woman fall because it had been so sudden and shocking. Then there she was walking up to me..) I don't wear a watch anymore and I'd already turned off my phone. Lex had a watch though and I quickly turned to her for help. So our combined effort provided the time. Haha... The show was incredible for a high school performance. It felt like I was at an actual theater. I was exhausted, but was on the edge of my seat and entirely entertained. The main boy singer was fantastic. I love that NMH album and he pulled off all the vocals and everything. The whole cast impressed me. Amanda Palmer was a big part of the play as ringmaster and she didn't even say a word until the very end. She was so expressive without saying a word and when she finally opened her mouth to sing, it gave me the chills. such a nerd...
After the show, we waited for the crowd around her to dissipate a little bit.
I gave her a book and she signed the postcard my mom sent me from coachella:
Then she signed a cd for Rita. I asked her to sign it for "Pangmastahflex" she loved it. It's a blip thing
I got a kiss and a hug. I told her I was going to see her in NY with Neil Gaiman and we talked about Jason Webley (who is now on twitter finally
http://twitter.com/jasonwebley ) He is wonderful. I wish he'd play here again.
http://www.jasonwebley.com/ He is hard to describe.. Tricia had a great way of putting it. Something like gypsy, indie, folk, punk rock pirate... He plays the accordion among other instruments and his traveling hat is great.
We met her mom.
Before meeting up with my friend Jamie, we got some wonderful Chinese food. Jamie is great. Wonderful man. We put Weird Science on. Lex passed out. We got smashed and talked for hours. He fixed his broken door. Two wonderful conversations in two days. Wonderful wonderful weekend. Eventually as the sun started to rise, we both sat on his bed and woke up hours later. Neither of us remembers what happened after we sat. The light was out. He was under the top cover. My shoes were off. I wasn't under the covers. When we woke up we looked at each other and went ... so we sat? Love him. While we were sleeping, Lex climbed out the window and roamed Boston. We got brunch at 3ish. It was good. We wandered a bit together and then ventured back home. We left later than planned because we couldn't stop talking. I love people who have lived life.
When we got home, I got Lex to shave the back and sides of my head. I don't know if I really like it yet. It's okay for now. Lex was super nervous she was going to fuck up. She thought she stepped on a slug. Such a pleasant weekend...