Sep 26, 2004 10:50
:x: pretty = not really
:x: funny = sometimes
:x: hot = nopee
:x: amusing = haha sometimes
:x: ugly = sometimes
:x: loveable = sure
:x: sweet = can be
:x: dorky = yupp
[hair color]: blonde- it's getting darker :(
[been kissed]: yes
[been in love]: mm hmm..
[eaten an entire box of oreos]: ahha probably
[been on stage]: yup- past 11 years
[gotten in a car accident? mm... no
[choked in front of people on my own spit or drink]: what
[gone to school in your pajamas]: haha yes
[gotten a detention]: yup
[loved someone so much that it made you cry]: nextt...
::This or that::
[Blue/red]: red
[Rain/snow]: snow
[Give/receive]: give
[Rose/daisy]: rose
[Private school/public school]: public- private sound spretty cool too though.
[Chocolate milk/plain milk:]: chocolate
[Spring/fall]: spring
[History/science]: science
[Math/English]: math
[Country/rock]: country
[Cherry coke/vanilla coke]: cherry coke
[Love/lust]: love
[Sleep/eat]: sleep
::Do you like to::
[Give hugs]: yes
[Give back rubs]: haha sure
[Take walks in the rain]: yess
[Watch tv]: yea
[Do homework]: uh no
[Talk on the phone]: yes
[Go online]: yup
[Kiss]: yea
[Do freaky things]: haha suree
[What is your worst habit]: biting my nails
[What song are you listening to right now]: nasty girl- Nitty
[What is your computer desk made out of]: umm... lota of things
[What was the last thing you ate]: an oreo
[What should you really be doing right now]: getting ready for my game
[If you were a crayon, what color would you be]: pink, of course
[Where are you]: in my room
[are u wearing any jewelry]: earings
[When was the last time you showered]: this morning
[What color pants do you have on right now]: pink- pj's.
Last time you..
[ Had a nightmare ]: a long itme ago..
[ Said "I love you" and meant it ]: shut up.
[ Ate at McDonald's ]: umm... like- last week
[ Dyed your hair ]: never
[ Brushed your hair ]: like 10 seconds ago
[ Washed your hair ]: this morning
[ Cried ]: um... yesterday? i dunno
[ Called someone ]: yesterday
[ Smiled ]: this morning
[ Laughed ]: last night
[Do You...]
[ Smoke? ]: no
[ Do drugs? ]: nope.
[ Have sex? ]: no
[ Sleep with stuffed animals? ]: no
[ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: nope
Play an instrument? ]: no
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: sure- i guess there could be
[ Read the newspaper? ]: nope
[ Have any straight friends? ]: ?all of them?
[ Have any gay friends?]: nope- not that i know of.
[ Consider love a mistake? ]: now i do.
[ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: hahah yea
[ Believe in God? ]: not really :/
[ Pray? ]: nope
[ Go to church? ]: nope
[ Have any secrets? ]: ummm maybe? i dunno.
[ Have any pets ]: 2 cats
[ Talk to strangers who instant message you]: no that's gay.
[ Wear hats? ]: not really
[ Have any piercings? ]: ears
[ Have any tattoos? ]: nope
[ Hate yourself? ]: yes
[ Have an obsession? ]: mm.. nope?
[ Have a secret crush? ]: yea... and no?
[ Collect anything? ]: nope
[ Have a best friend? ]: yup like 5
[ Like your handwriting?]: no
[ Have any bad habits? ]: sure
[ Care about looks? ]: yup
[ Friends and other people? ]: no
[ Believe in witches? ]: haha yup. sadly.
[ Believe in ghosts? ]: no
01. Fallen for your best friend? umm.. no? i dunno
02. Made out with JUST a friend? nope
03. Been rejected? ha yehep.
04. Been in love? mm hmm..
05. Been in lust? ?
06. Used someone? nope
07. Been used? prolly
08. Cheated on someone? haha no
09. Been cheated on? not that i know offf...
11. Done something you regret? yep all the time.
Who was the last person...
You kissed? my ex boyfriend
Made you cry? -
You yelled at? um- a lot of people..
You laughed with? pamela
You had a crush on? whatever
Who broke your heart? does it matter?
Do you...
Color your hair? no
. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? nope nope and.. nope
floss daily? sometimes
. Own a webcam? yea but like it's still in the box
. Ever get off the damn computer? haha nope
. Sprechen sie deutsche? sure???
. Habla espanol? what?
. Considered a life of crime? no
. Considered being a hooker? haha sure
. Considered being a pimp? nah
. Are you psycho? yea. watch out.
. Split personalities? mm sometimes.
. Schizophrenic? no
. Obsessive? sometimes
. Obsessive compulsive? no
. Panic? haha sometimes
. Anxiety? attacks
. Depressed? sometimes
. Suicidal? like last year..
. Obsessed with hate? yup a while ago.
. Dream of mutilated bodies? omg no. that's creepy
. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? no
. What are you listening to? Natsy Girl- Nitty.. didn't i alread asnwer that?
. Can you do anything freakish with your body? no?
. Do you have a favorite animal? nopee
.Current Clothes: white tank-top pink valour pants
.Current Mood: eeehhhh
.Current Taste: Oh's
Current Hair: wet in a bun
Current Annoyance: mm..guys
Current Smell: glo
Current thing I ought to be doing: leaving
Current Desktop Picture: fishies
Current Favorite Groups: nothing?
Current Book: stoner and spaz
Current Refreshment: nothing
Current Worry: mm.. that i'm gonna be late for my game
Current Crush: no one now.
Current Favorite Celebrity: mm.. noone i guess
Understanding: can be..
Insecure: no
Interesting: sometimes
Hungry: kind of..
Friendly: yup
Smart: haha not really..
Moody: mm.. i guess
Independent: sometimes
Hard working: nope
Organized: haha not even a little bit.
Healthy: not always
Emotionally Stable: sure
Shy: depends
Difficult: haha more then anyone else
Attractive: i dunno- whatever
Bored Easily: no- except for school.
Thirsty: kinda
Responsible: not really
Sad: yea
Happy: yea
Trusting: mm hmm
Talkative: do i even have to answer this question?
Original: a little
Different: yea
Unique: i guess
Lonely: kinda
On Dating...
Long or short hair? hm.. it depends
Tall or short? tall[er] then me :)
Mr. Senstive or Mr. Funny? Mr.Funny
Dark or light eyes? hm.. light? i guess it doesn't matter
Hat or no hat? hat please :)
Pierced or no? don't care
Freckles or none? whatever
Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type? sportyy
Accent or American? american
--I was a tad bored before my game- Today it's in Mannadnock. yippie:/ leave something good ;)