(no subject)

Aug 25, 2008 20:57

For itsthecoat:


"You do realize I have to reach all the way across your lap to get the popcorn."

"That's the plan."

"Subtle. Trying to seduce me again or just not in a sharing mood?"

"What do you think?"

"I think I'll pass on the snacks."

"Aww, Doctor--"

"Save it. We're gonna have to skip through the opening credits as it is. Now where's the remote?" The Doctor caught just a hint of Jack's smirk in his peripheral vision as he rolled his eyes, and decided there were some things he was better off not knowing. He'd pick up a new one later and keep it on a high shelf. "On second thought, I'll use the screwdriver."

verse: canon, requested drabble, meme

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