(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 18:43


Woooooo thanks Sparky!! :D

Edit: I guess I'll actually write something.?

What's this? Christine is working on a big project? and it's NOT due tomorrow!?!?!? :0 *gasp*

Today was a gooood day.
I dont really remember history, big test on wednesday that Im sooo worried about. Holy hardness.
GPP went reallyreally well.
Lunch.. was tasty, and I read my new book that Im loving. Tried to call Dean, no answer :( ... But then he showed upp and visited me for a bit! (: Hooray!
Math was actually my favourite class. We did something easy and pretty mindless all class, so it was relaxing and such.
Law I kept getting frusterated with Deighton. He's nice and all, but he can be SO irritating, gahh!

Went home.. bummed around and read/ate/computed. Ate some supper, and now working on my GPP term report. I still have lots to do, due thursday, but so far so good and at this rate it'll be no problem! (I just won't be able to see my boything until thursday night :(( unless I somehow finish tomorrow night? Not likely!

The weekend was so good!
Went into Ottawa and got dropped off at Rideau. Went to Sugar Mountain and got my gummi worms that are pretty much orgasm in candy form? BEST. EVER. So I actually did a little dance in the store because I was happy and music was on. Heh. Walked around, adventured, and then headed to the national gallery for Norval Morrisau!!!! :D It was SO great, he really is awesome and you should all check out the exhibit of his stuff at the National Gallery (until April 30! GOOO it's only 5 bucks).

Then we met up with my mom and sara, my aunt, uncle, and grandparents for supper. Hooray, it went pretty well and thankfully the garcon wasn't TOO nervous once we got there :). My darling.

Then I spent the night at his house, and actually was able to stay up pretty late. Watched part of Clockwork Orange, but kept falling asleep. Woke up around 9...waited half and hour and then squirmed around and turned on the tv thus temporarily waking up the boything. Hung around the house, showered, went for a walk for food (yesss chocolate milk!!) and then hung out just doing nothing really. Got to stay for a yummy supper, then had to go hoooome.

A perfect weekend :)

I got my oscars dress! I like it for sure :) It's purple.
:O I need shoes!

That's it I guess.
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