Oct 30, 2004 22:58
Just please love me like you know I love you. You and your stupid girlfriend. Our talk tonight was so comfortable, I wanted to climb over the seat and sit with you, and hold you and let you cry, or let you let me cry. And when you hugged me when Eugene was talking to me, I almost felt... like you TRULY loved me. Like we could stand tehre forever. How many times did we hug tonight? Why couldn't have been more. Everyone else KNOWS I like you (or atleast I think they do) so why don't you? Please, dump her. Come to me
If only I could tell you all the things my heart say to you to your face. My hear wants to eb heard dammit! But no, instead I use.... my feet or something.. or whatever part of my body is the wimpiest and dumbest.. oh, it MUSt be my heart then, huh? Oh, dear lord. Please be home when I call and invite myself yo hang out with you tomorrow night. My little hippie.