Aug 01, 2004 22:51
"BLOOMINGTON, Ill. (AP) - Filmmaker Michael Moore's Bush-bashing documentary ``Fahrenheit 9/11'' has apparently upset more than Republicans. The Pantagraph newspaper in Bloomington said Friday it sent a letter to Moore and the film's distributor, Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., asking for an apology for using what it said was a doctored front page in his movie.
The paper is seeking $1 in damages.
A scene early in the movie shows newspaper headlines related to the contested 2000 presidential election. It includes a shot of The Pantagraph's Dec. 19, 2001, front page, with the prominent headline, ``Latest Florida recount shows Gore won election.''
The newspaper says that headline never appeared on that day.
The paper said the headline appeared in a Dec. 5, 2001, edition but was not used on the front page. Instead, it was found in much smaller type above a letter to the editor, which the paper says reflects ``only the opinions of the letter writer.''
``If (Moore) wants to 'edit' The Pantagraph, he should apply for a copy-editing job,'' the paper said.
Neither Lions Gate nor Moore were immediately available for comment Sunday.
Aug 1 2004 6:26PM"
The article sez the paper is seeking $1.oo in damages. If anyone knows if that's a typo, from seeing this story from another source, please let me know.
Readers may ask why i seem to harp on Moore so much. It's simply because he is given so much creedence when in all logic he should rightly be dismissed. It's good to look at the government with a critical eye and get people to think, but his manipulation of the facts through his storytelling and editing techniques just manipulates the viewers, it really doesn't show them anything useful. Sorry, folks. You might as well be watching "Stormwatch: 2004!" on your local TV news.