"I wasn't looking for a Jesus man"

Dec 26, 2007 03:27

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.

1) What things would you absolutely never do, morally?
I'd never kill anybody unless it was out of self defense. The thought of ending a life makes me sick when I think about it. Besides, Granny Weatherwax was on the dot when she said that if an enemy isn't alive to know they failed, then where's the fun? (she didn't say it like that, but you get the idea).

2) What will/have you do(ne) that is definitely right on the edge of morality?
Steal. Lie. I once stole a "No food or drink" sign from the public library back in middle school. And then it was stolen from me at the beginning of this semester.

3) What fantasy book would you love to have a cameo in? What would your character do in its cameo (no more than a chapter of action!)?
Most definitely a Terry Pratchett novel, one from his Disc World series. I'd be some strange character, a witch probably, something similar to Nanny Ogg most likely, who sort of just appeared when the time was right to cheer someone up, maybe slip them a few wise words, and then be on my merry way. Nothing big, just a few pages of existence.

4) In a fluke act of fate, you get to determine the new dominant world religion. Choose one and say what you hope it will do for humanity. No responding with agnosticism / atheism / anything fictional.
Buh, I don't like this question.

In this fluke act of fate, I would decide that the new dominant world religion would be the Buddhist philosophy, in hopes that people would work toward living peacefully. But with the way corruption seems to leak out of everyone's ears, it'd probably just take a turn for the worst.

Oooh, pessimism at 4 AM. Now who woulda thunk it?

5) Giles says he wants you here, now, on the floor, in high heeled boots. You respond that you will be right there, and you're bringing a ________ (noun).

Box of condoms.

1) You're on a long, long plane-trip to < insert awesome country here >, when suddenly it SPIRALS INTO A TAILSPIN AND OH NOES YOU CRASH! Only 50 of the passengers, including yourself, survive, and they look to you as a leader. What sort of government do you form? How do you rule?
First, I would form search parties to go around the island to discover if there are any people that already live there, food possibilities, fresh water, usable debris from the wreckage, and possible shelter. Once we'd collected everything that we could use, I would appoint individuals to certain areas to govern: food, water, security and ways off of the island. All that jazz. I would set up a time limit, saying that once that time limit was reached, if people were unhappy by what was going on then there would be elections. And so on...

2) What is your favorite childhood toy? Why?
My favorite childhood toy was a plastic castle, it was purple and white, that was a projector. You put a tape cassette in the front and then a film reel in the back, turned off the lights, and BAM! Movie time! It was basically my night time storyteller. :) The only story I remember was Aladdin and the Lamp and I remember watching it loads of times. Unfortunately, it broke some how and it doesn't work anymore, but we still have it in my basement, as if time and patience will bring it back to life! :D

3) If life were Katamari Damacy (or any of the other Katamari games), which level would you live in?
OOOOOH. All I can think of, level wise, at the moment, is the flower level and the candy level, so it'd be one of those two. OR THE CLOUD LEVEL. :)

4) Pick an inanimate object in your house, and put yourself in its place for a day. What are your opinions on the people you observe?
I'd pick my piano. And after observing the Bradley family for an entire day, I've come to this conclusion: they don't even recognize me as a piano anymore, just use me to set things like mail and books on and they don't even use me as I was intended to be used. I'm merely a decoration now. Two people knew how to use me once, and then rest just occasionally banged on my notes. They're kind of crazy.

5) At what point in your life have you felt the most "spiritual" (not religious)? At what point did that moment no longer matter?
Maybe the beginning of middle school. I thought maybe I figured something out, and then I sort of realized, probably a year later, that I hadn't, and that I didn't mind.

"But ye gotta know where ye're just gonna rush in. Ye cannae just rush in anywhere. It looks bad, havin' to rush oout again straight awa'."

-- Feegle tactics (Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men)
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