As Christmas approaches...

Dec 18, 2004 15:55

Jesus's Birthday is coming up, He is the Reason for the Season. Nothing else is. Nothing does compare to knowing Him. God sent Jesus here to live like a human, act like a human, talk like a human, to be one of us. So that we could live with God in His kingdom forever. He loved us sooo much that he sent his son to die. The only thing differnt about Jesus was that His whole time on earth, He was perfect. Perfect in everything He did. We are to strive to be more like Him everyday of out lives. Before His birth, God sent Gabriel to tell Mary that she is going to have a son and His name will be called Jesus. He will be son of the Highest, and eternal. Mary was a virgin but she had a baby because of the power of God. For with God nothing will be impossible. (Luke 1:37). Jesus experienced the same things we deal with and struggle with today. This season, share the gift of God. The gift of eternal life. It's the best present you can give to someone. It's something that can last them a lifetime and after. Nothing else does. Make a difference in other people's lives. Give instead of recieving. Let the love of God pour out of you so that everyone can see how glorius, mighty and beautiful He is. If your interested any more read the book of Luke. It tells about Jesus's birth and John the Baptist's birth. John made a difference, he paved the way for Jesus. Jesus loves everyone of us and when He was dying on the cross He thought of you personally. He knew your life, and He knew everything little detail about you. He is our creator and our Best Friend.
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