Feb 23, 2010 00:21
It recently (about a minute ago) occurred to me that I hadn't posted anything here since back in August.
Today's ever-so-short entry: reason 10^nth why I love my job. They supply me with a monthly metro-card, so I can go anywhere, ANYWHERE in the city for free.
I've googled knitting stores in Manhattan and have found a couple that look promising. I may stop by sometime in the near future because the scarf I started knitting back when I found that cute little shop near Waterloo just isn't working out, and I need new needles. I've been wanting to find a good shop in NY for a few months, but none of the cheap ones are in my neighborhood and I didn't want to have to spend money on the train, but now 'tis free!
Also, I clearly need to import some better icons to this account :/