(no subject)

Apr 17, 2005 01:30

Well I Redid my xanga i hope u like if u dont Kiss My Ass. I had fun today i went to Target shopping and we figured out that every was expansive so we left the crap in the middle of the aisle LOL. Then we went to Wal Mart i had the biggest headache in the world. We bought some crap and Baby Clothes for my niece. Then i went to Melissa's house hanged out. Then Oscar and Amy came over those them heffas I was kinda mad at Amy for a while becuase she said somethin that happend Last Week that im not getting to and she was like "Im Surprised Wesley Didnt Tell You" like i tell everyones buisness. NO. I dont think i tell peoples buisness. Well i got over it and we Watched Thirteen that was a crazy ass movie, Drugs, Sex ,Alcohol, everything i like. Well Cindy went on Vacation to Puerto Rico and im here waiting for my sister to Pop out that damn baby. LOL. Well I had fun today

Goodnight and have a Pleasant Tomorrow.......
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