Summer garb...

Mar 26, 2010 14:04

Despite all the other garbiness going on in my brain right now, for some reason I started thinking about summer garb yesterday. Uprising was alright weather-wise last year- I even thought it was a little cold for my tastes. But, Whipping Winds was awfully hot. I absolutely sweltered in just my shirt and kirtle. So, I need to make something lighter.

I was thinking of doing a white/pastel cotehardie like this one:

My changes would be likely using a cotton/silk blend fabric, making it side or back lacing, and making detachable long sleeves. I know it's period, but I think I might shake it up a bit and use pearls as buttons around the hem of the short sleeve for a little bling. I can never resist pearls!

Or, I can do something Roman/Greek, like a chiton/tunica/stola or something. I know it's kind of OOP for the SCA, but it's not like steampunk OOP! I know the Troy movies costumes aren't totally historically accurate, but they're so fab! Validate me, please? Anyone? Ok let's be honest: I like "skimpy roman/greek"!

garb, ideas

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