::This Title Is Currently Off Being Someone Else's Title::

Jan 19, 2007 21:04

Hmmm... Tests are over. That's a plus... right? *tries to remember*

Things are backwards recently. Sometimes you expect things to be one way, and then when they're another... it's distressing.

I like adorable things. A lot. Adorable things are harmless... and adorable. There is, however, open discussion for cute things, amazing things, "...wow" things, *EEEEE!* things, and *brain stops functioning for several moments of utter bliss* things.

This keyboard doesn't like me. Either that, or my fingers are still really cold and aren't actually pressing the keys I believe they're pressing.

I had a lot of weird deja-vu tonight. I was at WalMart the store with my dad and *omfgptpdeathwow* saw someone who reminded me of someone else (maybe, sort of, a little... only not). And then I was at Best Buy some other store (still with my dad...) and we were walking out towards the parking lot and... I see this really big SUV pull into this parking space, and I look away and then look back a couple seconds later and... I see this really big SUV pull into this parking space... And I kind of double take because it's the same SUV and it's pulling into the SAME parking space... 0_o

...Remind me to start caring. I think I've lost all hope for humanity.

You know what I want? I want that kind of "Little kids who believe in magic" feeling. You know, believing in something so wholeheartedly? I want something to believe in like that. Or, I dunno, some other usefull outlet for emotions.

I am almost positive that I have forgotten/lost something VERY important. Ugh.

You know what? I don't feel like doing this whole... *gestures at the screen and her general mood* So I'm going to go see if I can't find a ridiculous comedy to watch, and perhaps write some "Teh Kitty! XD" comics. Hmmph... I dunno...

Actually, I do know. I just remembered that I have some delicious goodness that is cookiedough and caffinated beverages waiting downstairs for me, so I'm going to go obtain some of that and work my way up/down from there.

Oh, but speaking of "Teh Kitty! XD" if any of you have random ideas for a storyline or just random things you want to see me put in/make fun of leave me a comment. I am determined to write them more routinely. And if I thought I could get away with it I'd start internet-iz-ing them, but I'm pretty sure it's not worth getting yelled at anymore than I already do, so I'll just work on new ones. *nodds*

Now *is determined to go laugh at things and then read more good books*

*opens up a rift in the space/time continuum* I mean... uh... good... night...? *cough*

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