Dec 09, 2006 18:51
Okay, so I resigned at work today, mostly because my parents wanted me to. Evidently I don't spend enough time at home for them. Oh, God. *cringe* Yeah, so my last day is December 23. HOWEVER this means that I'll have my Saturdays back. So I might get to start working out again. And I might be able to actually DO something. Keyword, of course, being might.
So, it's dinnertime. Only I'm not hungry yet. This is what happens, because I have lunch from 1 to 2 during work, vs. the 10:00 lunch I have most of the time at school. I'm all off-balanced.
Went shopping with my dad yesterday. Not much to say there. I understand when people get into the holiday spirit. That's really cool. Yay for you. But you shouldn't force it on other people. You are NOT allowed to sulk just because nobody is as Christmassy as you are. You are a grown adult (last I checked... maybe not) but even if you were only ten it would still be ridiculous for you to demand that everybody else get all "YAY! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!" Particularly somebody who's been having a crappy week in general and isn't in the mood for ANY holiday. Wow that was incoherent. My dad's kinda driving me crazy right now, though. Sometimes I really do think he's about twelve years old. No, really. And my mom's about two. And then there's my sister. She acts more grown up than them most of the time. But she's still just a little kid.
But I digress.
I'm being yelled at to go eat now. ... I want a nap.