So. Here's a question for all of you. What are your top 40 tracks of all time? In order.
This is something I've been trying to think of over the last two weeks as one of the larger local venues here is giving people the chance to take over for a day each week. Three of you get together and each supplies their top 40 tracks. You then get to have a sunday to play all your tracks. Sounds like good fun... I just can't work out *what* my top 40 of all time actually is as I'm a fickle git.
I could just take my Last.FM
top tracks list, which would give a very weird balance of XP8, Faithless, Grendel, Girls Aloud, Celldweller, Modulate and Sophie Ellis-Bextor.
Or.. I could go for a track for each of the
Top artists which ends up with a different selection of stuff ranging from FLA, Hocico and Solitary Experiments type stuff all the way through metal (Wildhearts/Pitchshifter) to dance (Moby/Faithless) to Blues (Ray Charles/Duke Ellington) with all sorts of things on the way.
Either way I'm not convinced that these are entirely suitable. Or actually accurate in terms of my all time favourite songs. I find seeing that neither my "top tracks", or "top artists" actually contain some things that I would consider being in my top tracks of all time.